Friday, December 10, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart

Mee-Ma is the only one with the pink goo on her plate...

Loved having Cindy's brother join us...the more, the merrier...FAMILY!

I can't even comment on this.....

The best cooks in the world pictured above! Thanks to our Mamas!

This was probably the point in the night when Mee Maw was telling Tim about how she wasn't really that crazy about him when Darlene brought him home for the first time becuase he was wearing overalls...and she had just broken up with some gay doctor....but how we just looooooove Tim now!

Practically twins...

Looking good.....

The Very Reverend lay people stand.

Dats Ringy.

Teacher talk.....

Very standard Uncle Tim

Only the 3 of them will know what they were laughing about....

Lotta Dad wisdom right there.....

This IS who we are!!